Whispers on the wind

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Have you ever dreamed something that was so real, you woke up feeling that that dream was your future? The way everything was, the people, the way of life was in store for you? I had that last night. The dream was amazing. My brain only tends to see wonderful things while I sleep. If only those ideas could flow into my writing. But anyways..

I don't reveal my dreams when I want them to come true. It's like when you make a wish and blow out candles.. they say " if you tell your wish it won't come true." That's how I feel about dreams. I only tell the bad parts, the parts I don't want coming true. The rest of the dream I keep hidden away for me only.

This dream last night was so intense and real. It tapped into my longing for being important in this world, for making a difference. I just wish I could know what part I am to play in this world. I've been feeling this way lately. I've been watching Buffy lately, and the seasons I've been watching have been making me think about stuff. I know it's just a show but it can really make you think. I think that's why Joss Whedon is an amazing writing. He really could bring a message home. I've got a lot to think about.

On a side note, there is a nest of baby birds on my porch, and the momma bird just fed her babies! Next time I'm getting pictures!!

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